BI4E - Services for smart Enterprises
A highly innovative project for small and medium-sized Italian companies. This service is offered in CLOUD, and that allows, for the first time, the balance management based on Business Intelligence tools usually used only by large multinationals, now available for all.
The main puropose of BI4E is to suggest and encourage SMEs to an approach based on "management control" that constitutes a complete, but often underestimated, vision by small companies, to monitor at any moment all the economic/financial aspects and obtain valuable information on the general company's performaces.
BI4E in cloud hosted mode does not require any installation of programs by the user, but only an Intenet connection via browser.
There are two different levels/plans offered: basic and advanced.
Thanks to its standard models BI4E allows you to manage data and create reports for:
- General Accounting (civil and reclassified)
- Analytical Accounting: subdivision of accounting models by responsibility centers.
- Simulation scenarios: Break Even Point, Make or Buy.
SAS Financial Management is the platform on which BI4E is developed , which has always been a leader in the management and processing of economic/financial data.